Emma Hewitt is a Registered Veterinary Technician who has been working in the shelter medicine field since she was 17 and participated in 49er ROP as a senior in high school. Her internship background includes Placer SPCA, Animal Save, Sacramento Veterinary Referral Center, San Francisco SPCA, and Yuba County Animal Care Services.
Before joining the Koret Shelter Medicine Program, Emma was the Operations Manager/Administrative Assistant for the non-profit organization Kitten Central of Placer County; this is where she developed her passion for neonatal kitten care and medicine. She graduated Yuba College Veterinary Technology Program in 2017 with a specialty certificate in Shelter Medicine and Public Health and Infectious Diseases.
Emma traveled to Thailand in 2016 and 2017 to work with elephants in both husbandry and breeding/reproductive management capacities. She joined the Koret Shelter Medicine Program in March 2018, and works with Dr. Stacy Kraus and 4th year veterinary students as a surgical support technician for the shelter medicine clinical rotation.
Her goal is to acquire a Bachelors in Public Health and her Master’s in Shelter Medicine. When she isn’t working or fostering, she enjoys hiking, geocaching, aerial silks, and spending time with her two black cats Luna and Panther.